As always I am currently reviewing many films that I got from Something Weird Video. If any of these look cool to you and you want to get a copy follow the link and type the name of the movie in the search bar.
So, a Japanese lord is attacked by his closest companions and murdered. His son manages to escape, but the bad guy has a shape shifter working for him so the shape shifter chases him as a giant serpent, but a giant eagle claws the beast which causes a geyser of blood to erupt from the serpent and the eagle saves the boy who grows up under the tutelage of a sorcerer who shows him all of his tricks.\
Yeah, this is like the first five minutes of the movie and this is a kids movie. It was on TV perpetually back in the day.
You get ninjas and a fire breathing toad monster. A giant spider that shoots fire extinguisher foam. The serpent shoots geysers of water. Add in a mysterious girl searching for her father and the weirdest scene ever where a ninja with a boomerang sword (yes, I said boomerang sword) cuts off our heroes head. Nothing to worry about, he's fine. His head mocks the ninja while his body ties up the ninja to question him. Of course the ninja chews off his own tongue and swallows it, killing him instantly.
Did I mention this was a kids movie?
Anyway, The Magic Serpent is nothing but insane action for its entire run time. Just when you think you've figured out what's going to happen next you get a fire breathing toad monster. And there's even a scene where our hero flies to the battle on a cloud that gave me Dragonball Z flashbacks, but was probably just influenced by Journey to the West, at least that's what my youngest kid tells me.
Anyway, The Magic Serpent is a fun filled throwback to when kiddie films were literally insane.
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